September 29, 2008


I know I have not posted anything for ever so here is a little update of the latest happenings for the Ducketts!! I had not seen my sister Nicole since late Aug. and I have really been missing her! Sat. I went to my moms house to drop of her vacuum cleaner that I had borrowed, I walked into the kitchen and guess who is standing there........Nicole!!!! I was so happy ad surprised I stared screaming and then i started crying (that's really all you need to know) it was a little embarrassing!! They drove into town for the weekend and surprised everyone, no one knew they were coming!! It was so fun to see then, thanks Rhen and Nicole, your the best!! PS please don't ever surprise me like that again!!!!!!

Jacob and Isaac turned 7!!!! I know I can't believe it they are still my babies. I still make Jake snuggle me and sit on my lap ( he only weighs 115 lbs)!!! They had a pirate party, sword fighting and everything!! It was fun to be there!!

They looked so cute!!

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