August 18, 2009

Time for a Serious Update!!

Ok, I am officially the worst blogger!! But I am back now (or I hope to be)!! A lot has changed since the last time I blogged IN MARCH!!!
So I will try and give the readers digest version!! Levi and I had been trying to start our family for about 9 months with no luck. I knew it might be more difficult because about 2 years ago I was diagnosed with endometriosis (basically when I was on my periods that were not regular I would bleed up into my body as well as out and then my body would go um there is not supposed to be blood in here and so my body would attack the places the blood was, so it was basically attacking itself and that creates scar tissue, and all of that is VERY PAINFUL) one side effect is that it can be hard to get pregnant.
I had heard about a surgery where they go in and clean everything out and that it could possibly make it easier to get pregnant. So I met with a specialist and scheduled surgery for Monday March 16. Well go figure I hadn't had me period that month so a couple days before surgery I took a home pregnancy test and it was negative. I called my doctor and she said they would do a blood test before surgery to make sure I was not pregnant (because if I was pregnant and they did surgery the baby would miscarry). I got to the hospital Monday morning got into my hospital gown had an IV started and was all ready to go into surgery. The nurse came in and asked me if there was any chance that I could be pregnant and I said well maybe but the home test was negative, so they had me do a test there and it came back "faintly positive" so then they did a blood test and we had to wait 45 min. for it to come back!!!! As i was laying in the bed at the hospital all of the sudden both my nurses and my doctor threw back the curtain with huge smiles on there faces and said "well, look like we are not doing surgery today, your pregnant"!!!!!!!! I looked at Levi and just started crying we were both so so so happy and shocked at the same time!!!!
So needless to say we are expecting our first baby, and yes it is a baby girl, on November 23, 2009 and we couldn't be happier!!!
And to top it off a few days before we found out I was pregnant Nicole told the family she was pregnant!!! We are about two weeks apart and she is also having a girl!!!
So right now I am 27 weeks along and loving every second of it!! I can feel and see her move all the time and cannot wait to meet her in November!!!

Nicole and Rhen came to town about a week ago and my mom insited we take "belly pictures" so here you go!!!
I had already put on my pajamas so I look lame and Nicole looks way cute!! Oh well!

Tummy to Tummy!!! :) In these pictures I am six months and Nicole is six and a half!!


Munson Family said...

You both look so cute.I was so thrilled to find your blog.I hope you keep updating your blog. It's amazing how fast time goes by. I remember you and Ashley playing under the blankets watching Anne of Greene Gables. I love your family and miss being around them. I can't believe you and your sister are due about the same time Amber is due. This could be complicated for your sweet Mom. Love, Kim.

Jessi said...

yay!!! i didn't know if we'd ever see another update! i love the pics! it is so fun to see! have you guys thought of names? I'm jealous you are six months along. i want to be that far along! i just want feb to be here right now actually! great update!

The Stoddard Show said...


It was fun to see ya'll at the family reunion! You will be an awesome Mom! There is nothing like the instant love that you have for your child. Amazing!

hugs, Tonya

Nicole said...

THANK YOU for the much needed update! I love the pics.... my tummy is sooo pokey! :) Love ya sis

The McDonald's said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting. I wish the best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy.

Katy said...

Hi!!! So, I'll stop being all creepy and stalker-ish and finally introduce myself to you! I'm Katy Wilson and I'm an old buddy of Levi. He even served with (or was in the same batch) as my big brother, AND he and my husband either knew each other or knew of each other from the mission... small world! Well, CONGRATS on the baby... I'm so happy for you two-- and a girl... they are so much fun! ps.... i'd kill to look as good as you this far along!!!!! You look fabulous! Take care and I hope you're feeling great! Tell Duckett hi from Taylor and I