January 16, 2012

Playing Kitchen

This is something I have been wanting to share for a long time! I, like many others, am addicted to Pinterest! There have been many pins on Pinterest on how to make your very own play kitchen out of an old night stand or side table. I started seeing this idea float around a few months before Christmas and made up my mind that we were going to make one for Macy's Christmas present.
I searched and searched Craigslist until I found a piece of furniture that would work for what I had in mind. As usual I am AWFUL at taking before pictures so you will have to use your imagination! When we bought it, it was just an old, ugly, oak T.V. stand, and at $20 dollars it was not a bad buy for what it was about to become!

 Here it is the cutest little play kitchen you have ever seen!!
(can you tell I like it and I am so proud we made it all by ourselves?)
Levi did a TON of work, he made the oven door, and put plexi glass behind it so it really looks like an oven, he did most of the painting, drilled the hole in the top for the sink, and attached all the hardware and knobs. I made the curtain to hide the storage area and made a matching dish towel, painted the little wood plaques for the stove, and painted all the knobs and the faucet!

Close up of the top

Here is the breakdown of what we used:
Oak T.V. stand: $20 from Craigslist
Stove: made form two different sizes of wood plaques you can get at any craft store for about $1 a piece.
Sink Bowl: made form a little silver strainer I bought at Walmart about $4.
Faucet: made from a wooden letter "J" I bought, spray painted silver and attached upside down so it looks like a faucet.
Knobs: made from old dresser knobs I had laying around, spray painted black.
Fabric: bought two yards at Hobby Lobby about $8 (dishtowel I had laying around)
Paint: bought 1quart of orange paint to match the fabric, silver, white and black spray paint for everything else, probably about $20 in paint
Plexiglass: we put plexiglass in the oven door and in the microwave door to make them look real about $10.
Kitchen Accessories: we found a super cute little pot and pan set at Costco, and a little food set at Ross about $25 for both.
Look on Macy's face when she saw it on Christmas morning............

This project was WAY more time consuming then we had originally planed, but in the end it came out way better then we planed. Macy ABSOLUTELY loves it and is always telling us she wants to go "play kitchen", or "do dishes" or "make cupcakes", she makes us play kitchen with her at least once a day usually more, it's soooo fun to see how much she loves it!! I also really like that it is made from sturdy wood so I think it will be around a lot longer then a plastic one would be! This is a project I definitely recommend!!


Pam said...

that is the best kitchen I have ever seen. Heather my daughter still has her's from growing up but it's plastic. I really like that. Awesome Job you Two...

Kristen Whitby said...

I adore this! It was so cute when I saw it the other day! I am so impressed... seriously the cutest one I've ever seen!