January 9, 2012

Eventful Week

We had a great week this week. On Saturday baby Reese turned six month old, I seriously can NOT believe she is already six months old, if the next six go as fast she will be turning one the next time I blink my eyes!!

 Reese had her six month check up today here are her stats:
Weight: 19 pounds (97th percentile)
Height: 27 inch's (90th percentile)
Head:  42.5 cm.(52nd percentile)
So in other words she is a supper chunky baby with a small head!!!
We LOVE this chunky girl!

 She has been eating solid foods for a few months now. She has tried carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, bananas, peas, pears, rice and oatmeal and has yet to meet a food she doesn't like (big surprise look at those cheeks)!!!

 Reese in her Christmas dress.
Reese is rolling over all the time now, she can only go from her back to her stomach, but she rolls over all day long! She is a very happy smiley baby. She loves to watch Macy, and Macy loves to play with baby Reese she always makes sure baby Reese has a toy to play with! Reese is SOOOOOOOO ticklish and is really starting to laugh now, and she is really close to sitting up on her own!

 Both of these girls LOVE their daddy and love to snuggle with him whenever they get a chance!!

 I decided to do a few small projects this week. When Macy was around six months old she got really attached to these little thermal blankets that to this day she has to have with her wherever she goes. Following in her sisters foot steps Reese has started to really get attached to a little rag blanket I made when Macy was a baby, but only having one was becoming a problem. I made another rag blanket for her this week so I now have a back up and she LOVES these little blankets. I love that they both have a little blanket they love and want to have with them, I love that it helps them fall asleep and comforts them when they are sad, LOVE my blankie babies!

 I also finally made a big enough bow holder to put in the girls bathroom, I had made a smaller one before, but I had not anticipated how many bows my two girls would have!! This was a super simple super fast project, all I did was staple fabric and ribbon on to a piece of cardboard I got from a diaper box!! It is soooooo nice to be able to see them all instead of having them all shoved in a drawer.

 We had another HUGE milestone......... Levi and I celebrated our FIVE YEAR anniversary!! I seriously can not believe it has been five years, I always thought that by the time I had been married for five years I would feel like an old married lady (but I for sure do not fell that way)!!
Here are our stats:
Moved five times
Been in five different wards
Bought our first home
Levi graduated from college
and best of all..... we have had two beautiful baby girls!!
On Friday we had Levi's sister Emily come babysit the girls so we could go out on a date. We went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and ate WAY too much, and then we did a little shopping. It was really nice to get out for a little while and spend some one on one time together. We did however make a promise to each other that when we have been married for 10 years we would definitely be going on vacation to celebrate!! I have loved the past five years with my hubby and little family and I can't wait to see what our future holds! I feel like the luckiest girl in the world!!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

You ARE the luckiest girl in the world! :) I am loving the updates!